After covering basic topics on thin clients and Praim software solutions for connecting to VDI environments, in this new article of #Praim4Beginners we’ll focus on the sometimes thorny issue of software and firmware updates. So, let’s see what, how and why to update.


First of all, it’s good to know that all updates, software and firmware are available in the MyPraim area, in the Products > Download section, these updates are distributed via the ThinMan centralized management console. So, to be able to proceed with this action, it will be necessary to have this console and full access to MyPraim.

Why update

The ThinMan management console is the only means capable of correctly and efficiently applying all updates, firstly verifying their presence and feasibility and notifying the user when a more recent version is available for download and installation.

When a new update is available, it will be possible to download it directly from the MyPraim area, both based on the device type (as in the case of ThinOX, for example) and on the application type (Agile, for example). Once the file has been downloaded from MyPraim (which will be in .PAR format), it will automatically be imported into the Package Repository of the ThinMan centralized management console.

Now it’s possible to update the devices!

The update can take place in different ways: performing it individually for each device, distributing it on several selected devices, using the activity function on event of the ThinMan console (or scheduled activities).

In case you need to apply an update to one or more Windows Embedded devices (with Windows 10 IoT operating system), ThinMan will automatically take care of managing the status of the Write Filter to apply the most recent version of Agile.

In case you want to minimize users’ work activities by applying updates to devices (which usually require one or more restarts of the machine), you can use the correctly configured on/off/restart events or use directly the ThinMan Scheduler functionality.

Further information

Check our introductory guides and our video tutorials available on the Praim Wiki to best configure the ThinMan centralized management console.