Agile is now even richer and more versatile, offering new possibilities of use and a renewed configuration interface, as well as being more effective for those who need to set up automated workstations, application and Web kiosks and dedicated workstations with “Zero-effort”.
Let’s see it in more detail!
Agile software for Windows devices
Praim Agile allows to centrally operate and easily automate the various administration tasks on user devices in the IT infrastructure, configuring and customizing them with just a few clicks to optimize security and the interaction experience based on specific use cases. Simplifying access to VDI, it offers functions to optimize the management of on-board workstations, Web kiosks, application kiosks and video-collaboration workstations.
With Agile it’s possible to guarantee workstation’s uniformity and security in a scalable way, whether they are Praim thin clients with Windows IoT operating system (or already equipped with Agile), or PCs (corporate workstations or laptops) with any Windows edition, on which to install the Agile4PC version.
Leveling up with Agile 3.0
Agile is constantly innovating, offering more and more useful features to save time and IT administration costs. In particular, the new Presentation modes included in version 3.0 represent a leap in level and are designed to satisfy everyone:
- Starting with the department head. Agile 3.0 offers now 6 alternative use modes, each optimized to meet the requirements of different production workflows and the specific needs of each application area or use case.
- Moving on to the end users, who will use workstations designed to simplify and focus the user experience as much as possible based on the particular interactivity and multitasking needs.
- And without forgetting the IT Admin, who will not have to give up anything that Agile already offers in terms of security, scalability and configuration speed… and who will now be able to offer in a moment workstations tailored to the activities of each colleague, without the need for complex actions or special policies.
Preview: a new “Locked-desktop experience”
Agile makes security and simplicity its mission. For this reason, to satisfy those who need maximum versatility and interaction without sacrificing security, now Agile’s user presentation methods have “doubled” and, in particular, a new “Locked-desktop experience” has been introduced. This allows to combine the advantages of typical interaction in Windows based on Desktop and Taskbar (optimal for multiwindow and multitasking), with the benefits for the company and the IT manager of a locked and completely under control user space.
In fact, in Agile’s new locked-desktop mode, the user will always be able to have complete freedom and ease of movement between different running activities and the related windows, also using the mouse and Taskbar and being able, at any time, to activate new connections/applications made available on the Desktop space.
It will always be the IT manager who will have total control of the workstation and he’ll be able to configure the necessary applications, the desired company connections (e.g. to Web applications or VDI) or the device control actions to be made accessible (e.g. shutdown). All other Windows system’s applications, configurations and options (or its Explorer subsystem) will be disabled and filtered by Agile, allowing the user’s activity to be focused and drastically reducing security problems due to incorrect, even involuntary, device use.
Dedicated workstations set up in just a few clicks with maximum results
In Agile 3.0 (and Agile4PC) Praim has concentrated its effort on being able to expand the range of useful possibilities for supporting, if not creating and renewing, workflows for using endpoints. All this also with an eye to ease of configuration and with a renewed graphic design.
In free mode (normal Windows desktop space) and the new “Locked-desktop experience”, the two modes recommended for those who (with different levels of security) need to offer freedom of use and interaction between many applications, Praim now offers 4 additional alternatives that are also “locked-down”.
All based on a highly simplified, graphically customizable and protected interface, they are designed for high focus and low interaction uses, i.e. in workstations typically used to run one or very few applications at a time or in VDI, where with a single process a Virtual Desktop can be started.
Depending on number, type and frequency of use of the different resources (applications) or business connections, Agile offers:
- (new) a totally automated “application kiosk” mode where, with a click, it’s possible to establish which self-starting application to dedicate the workstation presented through an optimized interface, potentially also used in touch mode.
- (already present) a “Web kiosk” mode, totally blocked and automated so that it can be configured and customized by entering the reference URL.
- (updated) a “multi-application” mode, for those who need to make various equal local or virtual resources/applications available to operators, from which they can choose.
- (updated) a “prioritized” interface mode, where access to applications is based on usage priorities, ideal for those who want to quickly access the main application to which the workstation is dedicated, but without excluding the need to access other services.
In Agile 3.0 Praim offers great innovations to support IT administrators in satisfying the most varied requirements of different application scenarios with ease, efficiency and maximum automation. In particular, it now offers a new mode with freedom of interaction on the desktop but with blocked Windows options and the possibility of automatically and instantly creating application kiosks or for VDI access.