Companies worldwide have used millions of distributed PCs as workplaces for their employees, often unmanaged and out of control by the IT department. As we know, especially in recent years of crisis, the IT budget is limited and companies are realising that without the renewal of digital processes their competitiveness is at risk.

Thanks to the cloud, however, companies now have the opportunity to renew digital processes and technology and application platforms quickly and with low investments.

It is not easy, but through gradual processes companies start to use applications in the cloud, gradually integrating them with enterprise “historical” ones, which will be replaced at a later time. An example is the use of Microsoft with Office 365, many companies begun to use this solution in cloud, integrating it into their employees’ desktops. The applications will increasingly  come from the Cloud and will not depend on the device used by the operator. We are in a transition period that will last several years, employees are required to access these new tools, than usual PCs, with difficulty, often with little information from the IT department or using customised approaches that reduce productivity and proliferate problems.

In this context, corporate IT departments can not devote enough time to the total digital renewal processes. They’re, however, looking for solutions to these problems, solutions that could allow them to regain control of the “workspace” of employees, without requiring significant investments that the budget of the IT department can not afford, but at the same time can not be temporary and should ensure continuity and security to the cloud.

What are the solutions? It is increasingly evident that, used in this context, the PC is no longer a suitable device, at least not as it has been used until today. We could equip employees with alternative devices such as thin clients, designed to ensure IT managers control and simple and secure access to cloud infrastructure, but companies still have many distributed PCs, more or less recent, which could still be used for a few years (by improving certain limits they have), allowing a reduction of the initial investment and a gradual replacement with new devices.

Praim, which for many years have developed and manufactured optimised endpoints for the access to infrastructure, developed Agile and ThinOX4PC solutions which have this clear goal: to improve the management of all PCs within a company, to implement the centralised management also of PCs used in remote offices, and at the same time, to simplify the access to applications for employees.

The Agile Praim solution allows to do so using the Windows operating system installed on the PC, by implementing a centralised management and a secure and simplified access interface for the user. Praim ThinOX4PC replaces the PC operating system, deploying the same technology used for thin clients with ThinOX, the light operating system developed for the secure access to cloud-specific infrastructures. Both solutions are coordinated by the Praim ThinMan management console, which together with the ThinMan Repeater feature provides a workspace management suite capable of managing all company workstations, PCs or thin clients. This makes it possible to standardise management and ensuring easier access to users, without replacing the PC and breaking down the problems.

And then? When the PC will begin to be too outdated and no longer guarantees an adequate standard of reliability, can we guarantee continuity with this technological choice?

This is an important point: the continuity is guaranteed. It will be possible to gradually replace the obsolete workstations with new PCs or new thin clients using the same software technology. Control and continuity will therefore be secure, the operator will not notice the change, it will continue to have an “access point” with the same interface to access his workspace and his productivity will not change. The benefits will also extend to the IT manager figure, for whom the management will be completely transparent, the new workstations will automatically configure as the previous ones and will continue to be centrally managed.


Read more about Agile and ThinMan to discover what they can do for your company