Securing the IT infrastructure, as well as user access to corporate resources is one of the priorities of all companies. Investments in this sense become fundamental, especially in the last period, given the many hacker attacks.

Access to company resources and data is essential for all employees, both internal and external. Information must be at the same time secured but also easily accessible by authorized users.

Praim offers the possibility of protecting user access to corporate resources at all levels, with products that contribute to increasing the security standard of the entire infrastructure. One of these products is Agile, the Praim software solution that allows you to centrally manage devices, making them completely secure.

What is Praim Agile?   

Praim Agile comes in two versions, Agile4PC and Agile4Pi, providing the same benefits to businesses using Windows and Raspberry Pi platforms. Agile4PC enables organizations to fully manage Windows devices and Agile4Pi allows turning a Raspberry device into a fully managed VDI endpoint.

With ThinMan Server, the management of your endpoints is easy and intuitive. The ThinMan console allows admins to organize the company endpoints into groups for more straightforward delineation between departments and other business divisions.

In addition, using Praim Agile, IT admins can easily control and configure remote access for endusers. This feature allows admins to change, create, and modify configurations to access virtualized infrastructures such as Citrix, VMware, and Microsoft RDS and provide adequate remote support using ThinMan Server.

Agile allows using the WiFi network to authenticate users and grant access to corporate resources. But what can Agile actually do to help companies work in total security?

Security features

One of the significant concerns of the IT departments of all companies is security. Using Praim Agile, organizations have the tools needed to secure remote endpoints wherever they may be. One of the robust features of Agile is the ability to lock down the desktop interface. Agile allows substituting the standard Windows desktop interface for a “smart” and controlled interface that closely resembles the look and feel of a mobile device and that guarantees the user access only to the resources made available.

Agile also allows locking down and controlling access to low-level system configuration. The enduser only has access to the apps and tools presented in the simplified Agile interface. Only administrators can access system configuration and other settings. It can also take advantage of the Microsoft Unified Write Filter management, which can block disk writing. 

Agile allows distributing security certificates without relying on Group Policy. Again, with remote endusers, they may not have connectivity to the Windows domain controller to properly receive Group Policy settings, so, having the ability to configure and control various aspects of security without relying on the Windows domain can be vital.

Another features of Agile is connected to the so-called “human factor”, that involves all cases in which the user, using their workstation, puts at risk (often unintentionally) the security not only of the workstation itself, but also of the entire corporate infrastructure. These constitute most of the cases in which an attack breaks through within a company. Against these eventualities, Agile offers the possibility to block use of peripherals (it is possible to enable specific peripherals and block others, or block specific types of peripherals, for example all USB data storage). Agile also offers the blocking of key combinations or keybord shortcuts to avoid malicious use of workstations.

The integration between Praim products can also contribute to increasing the security of the corporate infrastructure, specifically through the management of authentication (in combination with ThinMan) and the possibility of using two factor authentication policies for access (password + smart card or PIN). Moreover, some company sectors require this type of authentication by law (eg Finance and Public Administration), while other sectors can take advantage of it to benefit from an extra level of security.

Finally, thanks to the combination of the Agile software with the ThinMan management console, it is also possible to automate security by replicating all the functions on all the endpoints you want via ThinMan by cloning a profile.


Also following the adoption of tools to facilitate remote work, the risks of cyber attacks on user endpoints can also increase. These are risks that all companies must be able to avoid.

Praim Agile, combined with the ThinMan console, allows you to standardize and centralize workstations, making them securer and not vulnerable to cyber attacks, increasing the security of the entire business ecosystem and reducing costs.