Weco-Travel has reduced the costs of technological renewal and management services by converting the obsolete PC estate into efficient thin clients and managing them through the centralized console.
Weco-Travel needed to standardize workstations in use with an obsolete operating system, reducing the related costs and maintenance times and protecting their data and backups.
Solve the problems arising from the heterogeneity of the workstations, reusing the old PCs provided. Find a solution that would guarantee the quick and easy creation and management of new workstations.
Implementation of the Praim ThinOX4PC software to transform PC workstations into efficient Thin Clients, use of Neutrino Thin Client devices with Praim ThinOX operating system, integration of the Praim ThinMan management console for optimal and centralized management of the entire endpoint estate.
Optimization of access to cloud environments with full compatibility with VMware virtualized infrastructure; reduction of problems on workplaces and reduction in related costs and maintenance times; improved employee productivity.